Training Practice

We have experienced hospital doctors, nurses and students working here from time to time, learning about general practice.


During the GP Resistrars’ training you may be asked to take part in their training programme by having your consultation videoed. You would be asked to sign a consent form and you are at liberty to refuse. This is to help the GP Registrar reflect and understand their consultation technique.

The poster below is displayed in the waiting room.


Training Practices in Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Information for patients

This practice has been accredited to train doctors intending to become general practitioners.

The practice needs to be regularly inspected for this purpose, and this involves inspection of the medical records. Only doctors approved for this purpose will do this, and they will respect completely the confidentiality of the information.

If you do not want your records to be available for inspection then please inform the practice of your wishes.

Sometimes the doctor may wish to video record his or her consultations, and in this case your permission will always be requested beforehand.

Further information about training in this practice is available from the receptionist.